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Pet Care Tips

Routine Vet Exams: Why Are Dog & Cat Checkups Important?

Routine Vet Exams: Why Are Dog & Cat Checkups Important?

In order to help your beloved pet live a healthy life and to monitor and manage any potential concerns before they get worse we recommend routine veterinary exams. Here, our Rockland County vets further discuss the importance of routine veterinary exams and what to expect during your cat or dog's checkup.

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Complete Guide To Cat Wound Care

Complete Guide To Cat Wound Care

While your kitty is most likely quite graceful, there may be moments when they cannot catch their balance or the unexpected happens and your cat gets hurt. Here, our Rockland County vets discuss some of the most common wounds and injuries that your cat may experience.

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Periodontal Disease in Dogs: How is it Treated?

Periodontal Disease in Dogs: How is it Treated?

If your dog is experiencing the painful symptoms associated with periodontal disease then you may be wondering how this condition is treated and what you can do to prevent this condition from returning. Today our Rockland County vets discuss periodontal disease in dogs and how it can be treated and prevented.

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Dog Hip Dysplasia Surgery: The Cost & What To Expect

Dog Hip Dysplasia Surgery: The Cost & What To Expect

If your dog suffers from the abnormal formation of their hips, it can cause them a great amount of pain and discomfort. Here, our Rockland County vets discuss dog hip dysplasia, the surgery that can help them and the cost associated.

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Vaccine Reactions in Dogs: Everything You Should Know

Vaccine Reactions in Dogs: Everything You Should Know

The benefits of having your dog vaccinated typically far outweigh the risk of reactions to the vaccines. That said, some dogs do react to getting their shots. Here's more from our Rockland County vets on the most common reactions to vaccines in dogs, and what to do if your dog has a reaction.

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Pet Vaccinations: What Vaccines Does An Indoor Cat Need?

Pet Vaccinations: What Vaccines Does An Indoor Cat Need?

If you have an indoor cat then you may be wondering why they are still in need of routine vaccines. Our Rockland County vets share some information about cat and kitten vaccines and why pet vaccinations are still important for indoor cats.

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Ear Mites in Cats: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Ear Mites in Cats: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Ear mites are one of the most common external parasites that our veterinary team sees and most commonly in cats more than dogs although they can affect both. Here, our Rockland County vets discuss ear mites in cats, what the common causes are, how they can be treated and what you can do to help prevent your cats from being infected.

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Dog Rabies Vaccine Schedule

Dog Rabies Vaccine Schedule

Rabies is a fatal, infectious disease that commonly spreads among animals including humans but is preventable through routine vaccinations. Today our Rockland County vets share some information about rabies in dogs and following the rabies vaccine schedule can help protect your pup.

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My Cat Keep Vomiting: What Do I Do?

My Cat Keep Vomiting: What Do I Do?

It is natural for cats to feel unwell occasionally, whether it be a minor illness or caused by something they have eaten. In today's post, our Rockland County vets talk about the reason why your cat keeps vomiting, ways to help treat their symptoms and when you should seek veterinary care.

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Common Dental Problems & Dental Diseases in Dogs

Common Dental Problems & Dental Diseases in Dogs

When it comes to health issues for dogs, one of the most commonly seen concerns is dental disease. Our vets in Rockland County share some information on common dental problems and dental diseases that are frequently seen in dogs.

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At Rockland Veterinary we are passionate about animals and enjoy helping cats and dogs feel well. Contact our vets in Hudson Valley, North Rockland or Pomona today to schedule your furry companion's first appointment! 


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